June 25 - 27, 2004

Schedule of Events

Getting to Beaver Island

Some Family History

Places to Stay

Things to Do

& Trip Ideas

Please RSVP

Contact Information


Schedule of Events

FRIDAY, June 25, 2004

Ferry Welcoming: (10:30 am & 1:30, 4:30 & 7:30 pm)

Historical Museum Visit: (3:00 – 4:00 pm) Gathering at the Museum (Old Mormon Print Shop) for a presentation of materials. Check out the genealogy records (thank you, Jim Sunkes), historical artifacts and great collection of books about the island. Become a Beaver Island Historical Society member!

Informal Get Together: (After dinner 7:00- ish pm – 9:00 pm or later) Gathering at the Emerald Isle Hotel Meeting Room. Register, pick up a t-shirt and reconnect with extended family over snacks and coffee.

SATURDAY, June 26, 2004

(nothing scheduled for the morning or early afternoon)


Around the Harbor: Visit the Toy Museum & Store (fun for all ages), Marine Museum or Beaver Island District Library. Also check out the many shops, markets, pubs, restaurants in and around town. There’s even a day spa!

Around the Island: Visit the cemetery (lots of interesting gravestone inscriptions), go to the beach, tour the island by car (see the lighthouses!), tour surrounding islands by boat, golf, kayak, charter a boat, fish.

Memorial Visit: (5:00 pm) View the memorial behind Holy Cross with inscribed bricks for our family.

Mass / Group Photo: (5 :30 pm) Mass at Holy Cross (for the intentions of the extended family of Anthony and Sophia O’Donnell), followed by group photo at 6:30 pm or so outside the church if the weather is nice.

Evening Dinner: (7:00- ish pm - ?) Dinner and drinks at the Holy Cross church hall (distribution of reunion materials, welcoming by Joseph O’Donnell, dinner, awards and fun activity for great, great, great grandkids.)

SUNDAY, June 27, 2004

Many people are staying until Monday, so feel free to tour about and visit with others.

Ferries back to Charlevoix leave Beaver Island at 11:30 am and 5:30 pm.

Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am or 10:00 am

Call Mary Margaret O’Donnell 248 -310-8699 if you have any questions (cell phone reception may be spotty)

Click here for the above schedule as a PDF file for printing

Photos of the O'Donnell Clan by Steve Correll, 2001